Belfairs Wood
Wet woodland and leaky dams
The key aim for this location is to provide additional storage to capture and slow the flow of surface water into the Prittle Brook, to reduce the risk of flooding downstream.
We aim to help slow the flow of the Brook with the introduction of leaky dams at various points to hold back the flow and release it slowly. The leaky dams are a natural barrier which hold back water at times of heavy flow, such as in flood conditions, releasing it at a slower rate over a longer period of time.
In order to increase the storage capacity of the Brook areas of wet woodland will be created adjacent to the Brook.
In addition, we will explore embedding mycelium (a fine network of living fungal threads) into the leaky dams. The mycelium would act as a natural filter and improve water quality at the same time!
Computer simulation modelling software will help us determine where to put the dams. Stage monitors will help us record how effective the dams are and their impact on storing flood water. A weather station is already in place here collecting live data to support data collection.
There are many different ways to build a leaky dam, we hope to incorporate different designs throughout the Brook that use natural material from the local area like logs and rocks.